About me
Who am I?
I am a Software Developer and former teacher living and working in Colorado.
I thrive in fast-paced, process driven environments where I can exercise creativity in problem solving.
I have a passion for clean code, visually engaging UI/UX, and thought-provoking art and design.
Ruby on Rails
Adobe Creative Cloud
Selected Works
Dopamine Box
A front-end app utilizing React.js components. Users can create personal daily tasks and set daily goals for how many tasks they would like to complete for a given day. Once all tasks are complete a congratulations "You Rock" message will appear. Users are able to view stats of how many days they have completed goal number of tasks. Made RESTful API fetch calls to an Express, MongoDB, Node.js backend handling all create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations, and tested all backend routes during development using Postman.
Live LinkBookLovers
A Front-end book searching application that allows users to find publications based on search. Users are able to click through search results on a carousel. Search results can be additionally filtered to return only Free eBooks; Paid Ebooks and/or All ebooks. App uses Google Books API to fetch accessible book data. Front-end of the application uses JQuery utilizing JavaScript array methods and functions to handle all data received from API and backend. Utilized tagged template literals with Styled-Components, along with CSS3 were used to create overall visual aspects.
Live LinkChild Well
An App to record your child(ren)’s weight and other measurements, vaccinations and other important health information. You no longer need to remember to take a Child Health Record booklet to doctor/ or childwellness! The backend API was made using Ruby on rails and postgreSQL. Front end utilizing React.js. A user with JWT Auth is able to login to the app, create a "child(re)" with “Name”, “Date of birth” and “gender” fields. The users are able to record, edit and delete medical history notes based on an individual child.
Live LinkCovid Health Screener
A full CRUD App made for schools to be able to conduct daily Covid-19 health screens for students. Admin users can create, update and delete Parent users, Students and Teacher users. Parent users are redirected to a "Parent Dashboard" on login to complete a health form for individual children. Teacher users are redirected to a "Teacher Dashboard" and are able to view which students from their classlist has completed the daily health check form. React.js is used to serve the front-end. back-end of the application implemented with Javascript methods and functions in order to utilize an Express, MongoDB, and Node.js creating a representational state transfer(REST)ful application program interface(API).
Live LinkContact me
I am an active member on professional social media. Feel free to follow or message me. I'm excited to hear from you. Give me a shout.
Or email me at lafrisinger@gmail.com